
Richard Meadows and his guest

Colin & Kelsey Doherty, Carol's son & daughter

Carlos Hernandez & his wife with Roger Isaakson & Todd Thompson

John Gunn with his new baby, Lindsey Carr, Kristen & Lucas Murphy all enjoying a relaxing time in the shade

John, Travis & Lindsey Carr, & Kristen

Todd & Martha Thompson pose for the camera

Richard and his daughter Scarlett

Sean Doherty, Carol's husband, and John Carr enjoying the day

The kids are going crazy in the bouncy bounce

Adan Aguirre with his kids, Julio Casares and his family, and 'Tacho' ringside spectators for the volleyball game

Hugo Zeferino, Dave Carr, Sergio Martinez, and Matt Dorsett face a largely all girl's team on the volleyball court

Dave Carr relaxing with a beer

Colin, Travis, Lindsey, Kelsey, Curtis Pascual, John & Jennifer, Jennifer Isaakson, Kristen & Lucas move up the hill away from the kids throwing water

John Carr watches the action in one direction while Carol Doherty watches in another

Curtis and Dave enjoying the sun

The kids going nuts with the water (which soon spilled over everybody)

Jeff Brown & Pepe Garcia after getting soaked

Jimmy Fernandez, Matt, Jeff, & John watch for more crazed children with water

The volleyball continues with Pepe, Roger, Jeff, Matt, Sergio, & Jimmy